的 Office of 环境卫生 and 安全 and the 研究计算中心 have developed an online chemical inventory system for chemical owners, 实验室的同事, students and emergency responders on the campuses of UNH Durham and UNH Manchester.

教师 and staff should use the chemical ordering instructions, found at the link on the right of this page, to expedite the delivery of their chemical orders. Incoming chemicals will pass through the Chemical Transfer Station, where the container will be bar coded, 然后直接送到实验室. 许多 常见问题 about using CEMS are available online. Please review your inventory and send us any corrections. 你也可以填写一个 化学收据 & 转让的形式 when adding or transferring chemicals that have bypassed the Chemical Transfer Station, or a 清拆货柜表格 to remove a chemical container from the inventory database.

的 UNHCEMS application is also available to other institutions.

访问河北  for More information, as well as a tour of the CEMS features


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电子邮件: karrie.myer@raw-cannabis.com